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Urgent help for non-scholarship students Residing in Campus

Le 01/05/2017 à 01h08, demande d'aide de All fainke
Dear ,

Association of Mali Students Residing at the University Campus
€ 20000 to the Charitable Donors so that 100 students and candidates free in the eyes of the State can buy scholastic supplies and provide for themselves. Whose situations are highly precarious by giving them money each academic year to support themselves during their cycle. In view of the timetable that does not allow them to find a job in parallel with their studies. As for their parents, they are not able to support them financially because others are extremely poor and some students are orphans. Your help would be strongly needed to forget the abandonment of study, adventure and vagrancy.
But, whatever the amount of your gesture, by making a donation, you become
An important and effective link in the long chain of solidarity.

In the hope of meeting you, I ask you to believe in the assurance of my sincere greetings.

Tel: +22378393155 / 64622462


Facebook id: All fainke

Postal Code: +223
Address: Bamako kalaban Coro
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