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I am BASIMISE SHABANI Thierry National Director of the YouthAssociation for Community Development in the DRC "AJDC DRC inacronym". This is an opportunity for me to tell you that I was a child soldier,at the age of 12, I joined the Mai-Mai group of Lubarika in 2004,which was led by Colonel ABDOUL, I had served in this group as Commander's Escort Leader for a period of one year. We have had horrific events that I would not like to discuss here,because it is erased in my memory by the de-traumatization sessions received at the Transit and Orientation Center (CTO) under the management of the Jesuit Refugee Service. (JRS in acronym), an international Catholic organization in collaboration with other national NGOs. My release from this armed group came after the sensitization sessions organized by JRS and other child protection agencies including GVS (Voices and Voice-Free Group) and AJEDIKA (Youth Association forIntegral Development). -Kalundu). We were at the number of 15 children who left this armed group at that time. After transitional care at the level of CTO (Center of Transit and Orientation) I chose as individual project the School Reinsertion (Formal Education). I graduated in Social Studies in 2011. JRS had supported my studies for 4 years. The initiative to create this Young Organization came to me in 2010 while I was still a student. The idea was then materialized on June 18, 2010 with the help of community members here by Simon Kangeta and Mr David as another Ex-child soldiers. From 2010 until today we have committed ourselves to defend, promote and protect all children in general and those affected by armed conflict in particular this was the greatest contribution and legacy bequeathed to my Lubarika community as part of the process of building peace. We are a Youth Association for Community Development, AJDC RD Congo in acronym. AJDC RD Congo is a Congolese rights organization, Non-profit, known and registered under N ° JUS & DH./SG/20/1339/2014 and N ° F.92/ 22.643, and working since 18/06/2010, for the disarmament, demobilization andreintegration of children affected by armed conflict (children associated or exited forces and armed groups) in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The head office of AJDC RD Congo, is based precisely in Lubarika, in the Ruzizi Plain, Territory of Uvira, Province of South Kivu / RD Congo. AJDC RD Congo intervenes in the following fields: 1. Disarmament Demobilization and reintegration of children Soldiers and other so-called vulnerable children (orphans, victims of sexual violence, child-mothers, street children, children in conflict with the law, 2. Agropastoral Activities (Agriculture, Fish Farming and Livestock) 3. AGR (small business, 4. Education (Schooling of children) 5. Professional training (in cut and sewing, Mixed Hairstyle, Bakery) 6. Combating STIs and HIV / AIDS 7. Democracy and good governance 8. Fight against child marriages NB: Children affected by armed conflict in DR Congo (Girls and Boys) aged 0 to 25 years, are the direct beneficiaries of the actions of our organization AJDC R Congo. For a lot of information about our organization and its actions, please visit our Website: www.ajdc-rdc.org AJDC RD Congo is looking for funding to carry out the aforementioned, for children affected by wars and other vulnerable childrenin the Territory of Uvira and Fizi, the middle and highlands in the Democratic Republic of Congo . Accept, Sir / Madam, the Expression of frank collaboration -- BASIMISE SHABANI Thierry Directeur National ONG AJDC RD Congo E-mail: ajdclu@gmail.com thierry.ajdcrdc@gmail.com Site Web: www.ajdc-rdc.org Twitter: @ajdc_ong Facebook: ajdc lubarika ong Skype: ong.ajdcrdcongo Tél: (+243) 99 27 49 653 Vous aimez cette page ? Partagez-la !
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