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Demande de bourses d'études du Koweit

Le 08/04/2015 à 15h12, demande d'aide
Dear Sir,
I would like to apply for a scholarship to further my studies in the field of medical sciences. I am now a student in the upper sixth in the Secondary School of Lokossa (Benin). I am a citizen of Togo and I am reading elective Maths. My contact E-mail :
I hope to hear from you very soon
yours sincerely,
AKAKPO Kossi Steven
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2 messages
Le 10/04/2015 à 18h07
Dear Sir,
I would like to apply for a scholarship from your country to further my studies in Port Management. I am now a student in Master 1 Transport and Logistics and would like to specialize in Port Management.
I look forward to a satisfactory and hope to hear from you very soon.
Yours Sincerely
Le 10/04/2015 à 18h15
Dear Sir,
I would like ta apply for a scholarship from your country to specilize in Oil Logistics(Logistique pétrolière). In Fact I am a student in Transport and Logistics Master1 and would like to specialize in that field.
I look forward to a satisfactory reply and hope to hear from you very soon.
Your sincerely,
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