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Result of gce 2013 ordinary level

Le 05/08/2014 à 13h28, demande d'aide
I wish to know my ordinary level result my center no is 2140 and my candidate no is 5359
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2 messages
Le 24/02/2015 à 09h09
Hi匿åå›:你說的åªæœ‰çŸ­çŸ­å…©ä¸‰å¥,我很難給你æ„見,你能å¦è¬›å¤šD資料我知?例如你audit甚麼area? Sales, purchase, pneaymt, receipt, payroll, inventory, etc.?ä½ çš„å…¬å¸æ˜¯ç”šéº¼è¡Œæ¥­? Retail, manufacturing, trading, professional services, etc.?ä½ çš„auditee身在何地? HK, PRC or other overseas countries?
Le 17/10/2016 à 12h47
They are smiling because they know - and Trump knows - that Trump isn't serious about any of this. He's playing a role, doing birther &qo;.oschtickt&quut; Trump's a blowhard entertainer, that's all, and the Fox shills are being entertained by his act.
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