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Request for support

Le 10/05/2017 à 20h26, demande d'aide de mefo
My name is Christine Mefogue Taptue De kamga ,I lift Cameroon on 12/7/13 arriving into the Uk.

My husband was a member of scnc(politic party) based in Bamenda.

He left the house one morning and never returned ,his body was found and brought to hospital. Since that day my family in law have been terorising me especially his cousin who worked as a police officer. I was brutalised and raped on several occasions by this police officer,asking me not to tell anyone about a conversation I overheard between my husband and him before the death of my husband.
However I managed to escape the situation and arrived in to the Uk on 12/7/13.Due to my history, I also applied for asylum in the UK. But my application has now being refused.It is now more than 3 years I am living in the UK and because my family in law members are my enemies in Cameroon,I can not return there and resettle with my family without support and assistance. I there fore request you to kindly confir me whether you can provide me with:

Accommodation,schooling of my children.
Financial support,medical treatment.
Help me to get employment security to our lives.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Christine Mefogue Taptue De Kamga.
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