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Police Cameroon

Le 17/08/2017 à 13h35, demande d'aide
Please I need past question for police inspector Cameroon
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2 messages
Le 23/07/2019 à 04h23
Je vous demande mon message. Surtout sur le n ° +237 680 37 24 50 téléphone et e-mail: C'est un gros escroc . Il agit de votre pays Cameroun . Envoie des lettres dans le monde entier depuis 30 ans et trompe les citoyens du monde entier. Cet escroc doit immédiatement être arrêté pour juger et confisquer tous ses biens . Il m'a envoyé 18 lettres de faux en 30 ans.

voici la lettre de l'escroc du Cameroun

пн, 22 июл. 2019 г. в 17:47, Abdu Mousa <>:
Dear Alex Woys,

Sorry for my late reply. I appreciate your straight forward comments and honesty. I sincerely hope that we do a trustful and profitable business. I do not charge anything, we share profit kindly read below:

I have $10,000,000 USD to invest a good business proposal in your USA or elsewhere in Russia. I am not a businessman so I am looking for someone that has experience or a person that can manage this sum of money and we share the profits. Or if you have someone that you can propose to me then it will be also good as you are already part of the team.

Source of money is from my half brother Mr. Marafa Hamidou who is currently in Jail accused of embezzlement. He is a former Interior Minister of the Republic of Cameroon. He raises this money once he was still under government service. I am his brother and the money is under my keeping, so you not have to worry about safety of the cash.

Our government is not aware of the money and I need someone that we can do business very discreetly. This money cannot be invested in Cameroon, I can only do that in another country under another person's business. For this reason, I need a trusted partner to rely on.
I myself I am under house arrest due to the current political situation in Cameroon. The government thinks that my family is sponsoring the ongoing crises in Cameroon.

It is possible for us to have a discussion WhatsApp: +237 680 37 24 50
Know I have figure out a means of sending this money out of Cameroon, and I will also arrange a face to face meeting you and my son in Dubai if interested in my investment.

Dubai visa is easy to obtain and also sending the cash there is easier I have a means of doing so. The money will be handed to you there once you have concluded the meeting with my son.

Please if we can work together kindly share your current business or if have another proposal let me know.
An early revert will be highly appreciated. Can I have your WhatsApp number?

Have a wonderful evening!

Le 23/07/2019 à 04h25
Je vous demande mon message. Surtout sur le n ° +237 680 37 24 50 téléphone et e-mail: C'est un gros escroc . Il agit de votre pays Cameroun . Envoie des lettres dans le monde entier depuis 30 ans et trompe les citoyens du monde entier. Cet escroc doit immédiatement être arrêté pour juger et confisquer tous ses biens . Il m'a envoyé 18 lettres de faux en 30 ans.
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