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Need a manager

Le 24/04/2018 à 19h13, demande d'aide
Hello my name is Godlove Nghonyuibe am a Cameroonian age of 18 artist musician my artist name is Bill bright am having two songs already sang and many others written which are not yet because of lack of means for that reason, I really need a manager that will help so as to make my carrier bright as my name I can also let him listen to my two song . contact: +237671138648(Whatsapp)
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Le 24/04/2018 à 19h21
Hello am Godlove Nghonyuibe a Cameroonian age of 18 artist musician artist name( Bill Bright)
Having already two title and many others which are written but are not yet being sang for that reason I really need a manager that can help me in this issue I may also like him to listen to my two title
Here is my contact: +237671138648(Whatsapp) E-mail:
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