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Demande de bourse cycle Master CCA

Le 09/07/2016 à 14h02, demande d'aide de MBFredo
Je suis titulaire d'une licence en Comptabilité Finance et d'un Master I en Techniques Comptables et Financières à l'institut Supérieure de Gestion à N'Djamena. Je cherche une bourse d'étude pour le cycle Master en CCA afin de mettre en oeuvre mes compétences dans ce domaines tout en espérant améliorer ma situation et celle de ma famille. Merci d'avance pour votre compréhension et de votre gratitude.
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3 messages
Le 09/07/2016 à 14h51 par KAIS
Je suis congolais répondant au nom de KAIS MONDO Jérémie, titulaire d'une Licence en Informatique de Gestion de l'Institut Supérieur de Commerce de Kinshasa/ Gombe en sigle ISC/Gombe. je sollicite de une bourse pour continuer mes études de Master en E-Commerce ou encore en Monétique. Dans l'attente d'une suite favorable de votre part, recevez l'expression de ma profonde gratitude. Au besoin: mon numéro c'est le +243813788099 et +243894607468 e-mail :
Le 20/02/2017 à 08h41 par mwali yvette
MWALI Yvette
P.BOX 76 Musanze –Rwanda
Tel: (+250)788 223 995
Musanze – RWANDA


I would first like to express my appreciation for this opportunity to apply for a scholarship. I am a graduate of the Adventist University of Central Africa with a degree in Business Administration, Accounting as option, Second Class Honor.
With the basic knowledge I have in accounting, I strongly believe that a master's course in advanced accounting or finance will be very relevant to my practice here in my country Rwanda. I worked in the public sector, specifically in the Musanze District Pharmacy as an accountant; my intention is to improve my quality of work and strengthening the finance department of the institution where I work or where I will work in the future.
Because of limited resources, I have not been able to undertake further studies here in Rwanda or elsewhere because I do not have the funds. My monthly salary helps me to solve my family's primary needs such as school fees for my daughter, food, clothing, housing etc.
I would be grateful to receive a sponsorship to continue my education and building my career. The Master Scholarship will be immensely useful. Therefore my present or future potential employer, especially in the public sector, will be a good channel where I can transfer the knowledge acquired optimally to my country.
In addition, I will have a chance through the scholarship to interact with students from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds across our country. The exhibition is important for the interaction and integration of various ideas and perspectives on various national problems.
Finally, I am determined to make the most of the benefits of the scholarship.
Being supported, I will optimize my study at the University of Kigali which is located at is 3km from my home.
Again, I am grateful for the review of my application and look forward to a favorable response.
MWALI Yvette
Le 10/10/2017 à 09h53
Je suis burundais je termine l’équivalent du DCG ici au Burundi a l'Institut Supérieur de Gestion et j'aimerais obtenir une bourse pour faire le master en comptabilité, contrôle et audit afin de poursuivre mes objectifs de devenir Expert Comptable pour aider mon pays dans cette profession.
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