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An Application for Acamic Internship

Le 16/05/2017 à 15h37, demande d'aide
Douala, P O Box.
May, 13, 2017
Tell; 656344659

The Director General of Becec


Subject: An Application For Academic Internship.

I am currently in university of Dschang and I stand to write to you seeking for an opportunity as
an intern in your institution. I stand as a student studying accounting and finance who wants to
brighten his knowledge on what has been taught in school. Basically on the school program of
the year, I wish to begin from the 3th of July to the 29 of September.

I suppose your institution will assist in building up my skills professionally and academically.
And permitting me as well to work in a challenging business environment.

With the experience I will love to obtain within this duration, I promise to abide by all rules and
regulations governing your institution.

Sincerely yours,

Ntaribo Eyong victor

Ntaribo Eyong victor,
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