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An Application For Internship at the Port of Douala

Le 02/07/2018 à 19h04, demande d'aide de MBE Fonkou
Mr. Director of the Autonomous Port of Douala. I come to your high personality solicit an academic internship in your company. My name is MBE FONKOU Jean Pierre, Master research student at the University of Douala studying Business corporate and Finances Law. It is clear that your industry has a link to the field am engaged into and therefore have an impact on this area. With the growing Zeal and Academic skills, having me in your team of stagaires will bring you more value. In anticipation of the favorable result, please accept my greetings. 
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1 message
Le 17/03/2021 à 11h11
Dear sir/madame,I have the honour to write to you in applying for an academic internship in Your company.I am a Cameroonian of 22years old and a student in professional Institute of management studying custom and transit.I will ne very happy If you accept me as an intern in Your company.Accept my sincere salutation.Wirba Mary Elsila Nyuylemi.Tel:652598891
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