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Le 04/02/2019 a 21:44
M. Lontsi Mekouke Loïc Institut Universitaire du Golfe de Guinée Douala Department:Logistics and Transport management Tel:696078533 douala the 04/02/2019 Sir/Madame I have the honour to apply requesting for an internship in your institut. I stand as a student studying logistic and transport management. My main aim chosen this company because i think and believe it will train me as one of the best logistician in the world and equally help me grow in my field alongsidewith his objectives I will like to undergo this training within the month of june and july.I am equally bilingual that is english french, have experience in warehousing. I am looking forward to hearing from you yours sincerely Lontsi Mekouke Vous aimez cette page ? Partagez-la !
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