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Wish to know result ens bambili 2014

Le 05/10/2014 à 02h13, demande d'aide de abangtatah
Second cycle on guidance and counseling
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2 messages
Le 05/10/2014 à 02h21 par abangtatah
In this 21century with all the accessilibilty to technology people cant still get their result.our education system needs to reform
Le 24/02/2015 à 03h37
Oh, the biggest qusteion ever. . .what will it take for me to stick to my plan???? To have faith in myself. . .to feel that I deserve that time for me and not give in to the husband, kids, the job and the easy lifestyle. Like so many others I need to see results. And for added bonsus you come and be my personal kick my butt & educate me for about two weeks! I say 2 because I'm a needy person. . I would prefer a month but I couldn't do that to you, nor your family.
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