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Je voudrais voir la liste des orientations 2014

Le 26/09/2014 à 18h06, demande d'aide
Svt je voudrais savoir est ce ke j en fais parti de la premiere liste des orientations du bac 2014
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1 message
Le 25/02/2015 à 03h53
To RNCCRN9706-I don't think it really metrats whether you have coworkers who always seem behind. Their style of working might be different than yours. I think it is important to remember that we all are there for the patients first and foremost, whether that be your patient or your coworker's patient. I work with those same types of people who seem to always be behind on their work. However, I live by the rule that no one sits until everyone can sit. I am sure that there are other things you could be doing on your unit to contribute to the good of all besides being on social media, such as organizing things, answering call lights or phone calls, or minimizing clutter. Honestly, as a RN your job is every job, and all patients on your unit regardless of who is their bedside nurse are your responsibility, even if you are not a charge nurse. Maybe you need to lead by example, and offer some of your time management skills to your frazzled coworkers. This will promote the same attitude in your coworkers and contribute to the good of the patients and your unit as a whole.
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