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Je voudrais devenir résident au canada par en jouant dv lottery

Le 04/11/2017 à 11h17, demande d'aide de Bolumbe Nteke
Sur la DV lottery Canada , je suis congolais rdc , comment je peux jouer en ligne ?
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2 messages
Le 08/10/2018 à 17h20 par djofinda
Comment jouer au dv loterie canadien. kinshasa rdc
Le 26/04/2020 à 02h48

First, I'd just like to say that I hope that you, your colleagues and loved ones are all healthy and well.

Whilst self-isolation is affecting the whole country and is making office life impossible, we find many companies having to revert to working from home _online_ and with current circumstances being uncertain, there_s likely going to be a period of adjustment whilst you implement the infrastructure required to support this new way of working.

We, at Virtually Sorted UK, firmly believe Virtual Assistants have a huge role to play in helping businesses navigate the waters during this unsettling period.

Here are some of the services Virtually Sorted UK supports businesses with:

_ Diary & Inbox Management
_ Complex Travel Arrangements & Logistics
_ Reports & Presentation
_ Expenses & Invoicing
_ Proofreading
_ Minute takings
_ Research
_ Recruitment

If you have some time in the next few days, let me know and I will schedule a call to discuss further?

Best wishes,

Sam Kay

Virtually Sorted UK
+44 (0) 208 088 2822

P.S.1: If you are not the person to contact, I would be very grateful if you would pass this information on to the relevant party.
P.S.2: If this is not of interest, please accept my apologies and reply with NO in the subject line so you are not bothered again.
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