Le 11/10/2016 à 11h47, demande d'aide de yaonorbert
Je suis YAO Koffi Norbert (yaonorbert1@gmail.com Contact : 47 50 03 66), je sollicite un stage dans votre illustre entreprise pour valider mon diplôme et si possible avoir un emploi
We need to verify degree of a candidate for Pre-employment screening purposes. You are requested to verify, if information below is authentic or not. Kindly direct me to right contact person. This is very urgent case as the student is delaying for the job process.
Candidate Name Tilate Yempabou Kagnaguine
Course/Qualification Attestation de Reussite Au Brevet de Technicien Superieur (BTS) (Certificate of Success for the Superior Technician's Certificate (BTS)
School Details Ministere De L'Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle - Togo
Passing Year 2003-03-20
National ID Number AU-S00000514
Backlog Status YES/NO
Verifier Name ( Person who is verifying Education Qualification )
Verifier Designation
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