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Sujet de svt bepc rouge 2014

Le 08/08/2014 12h02, demande d'aide
Slt c'est wilson je veux preuve de svt bepc rouge 2014 merci
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3 messages
Le 24/02/2015 11h34
You are an amazing wietrr. I could never write anything like what you have written. I wish I could. I was confused when I read these words two posts back: Вона вийшла з кабіни, спіткнувся узбіччя, stepped out of her shoe, і був затриманий чоловік у довгому плащі оксамит. Нормально, this would have troubled her. That kind of contact with a stranger was out of her comfort zone. But the scotch reassured her that he could be trusted. Miranda’s troubled mind, Фатальним Гаррі аварії, and her declining sense of judgement would be her downfall. Вона почула шипіння манія, beckoning her to go in. I had over looked this part (probably reading too fast) in the previous paragraph: The alcohol brought a warm familiar rush that begged for more. so it hadn't occurred to me that she was planning on going somewhere else to drink more. I thought she was already quite intoxicated and her grief was leading her to drive to some strange place that would be relevant to any number of intense feelings that might be flooding her mind at this tragic time. I had never heard of Castle Rouge or the Rouge plant was a little confused, so I looked it up a few minutes ago. But at the time I read the part about the man in the velvet cloak I was confused, and thought maybe she was going to same place where there was a religious cult, or maybe the cloak she saw was really a robe on a man at the grounds of a sanitarium, and she was on her way to commit herself. But finally when I read the part below and then went back to the other post and read it again I finally started to understand what was happening. I'mam slow sometimes most of the time often miss important clues when reading mysteries.Sorry my comment ran so long, but I just wanted to share my thoughts. Я хотів прочитати таке повідомлення. Як вогонь на річці, Замок Руж було дивне звернення. It fueled Miranda’s racing mind, рев печі в ній. With her gaze fixed upon the flaming mirage, людина в оксамитовому плащі зник, leaving her alone on the sidewalk. An unusual smell lingering behind him.
Le 03/05/2015 17h54
Je veux les sujet du bepc rouge 2014 en svt
Le 09/08/2016 06h16
I'm not easily impesesrd but you've done it with that posting.
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