My name is Paul Kabeya, i am a young basketball player of 23 years old measuring 2m00 and weighing 99kg. I finished my secondary studies since 2015 but the means didn't allow me to continue with the university. That's why i beseech you to help me come over there and join any university basketball team. With a few talents i have in this sport, i am sure that i will easily have a scholarship and then i will continue with my studies and basketball at the same time. Thank you so much
Kindly !!!
Le 26/01/2020 à 05h16
Le 26/01/2020 à 4h13
Bnjr,je mapel Mor yade etudiant de l'université Dakar Bourguiba au sénégal,je voudrai continué mes etudes en devellopent de logiciel informatique au u s a. Je .demande de l'aide a toute personne de bonne volonté. Mercie pour votre aimable comprehension
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