Je souhaiterai connaitre les résultats de Mll Kouassi Ahou Grace Audrey
Le 23/02/2015 à 23h24
That's the point of eating loallcy and seasonally your diet changes depending on what is available. In winter, you can eat winter greens and winter veg. You could also plant an apple tree which produces keeping apples ones which will keep through the winter. You can preserve fruit so that you have it through the winter too, and there are loads of options for preserving it without having to add 50% sugar.Fruit cordials are also great for getting your vitamins in through the winter.Just because supermarkets sell foreign fruit right through the winter, doesn't mean that you have to choose to buy it Every time you buy food, you are voting. You are voting for that store to continue shipping that food in. You are supporting that shop.
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