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| > Football |
Raising £10,000 to help me raise funds
Help me raise funds for the organization of the holiday championship of my village
for the young people of my village who are on vacation and for the football enthusiasts of my village ELOGNGAZOUMA -OBALA for a total amount of £10,000 it will be organized as follows: £3000 for the development of the playground we already have a space to do it £2000 for the purchase of game equipment for all the teams that will join, i.e. jersey, godass, net, ball, whistle etc... £1000 for the music devices that we will use for the reports and to attract young people and the population to the football stadium £1000 to pay the referee staff £750 for the winner of the championship £1500 for the winner of the cup and £750 for me the organizer it would really allow some children in the village to pay their school fees for the next school year and much more BANK NAME: BGFI ACCOUNT NUMBER:70003658011 SORT CODE:01100 CODE BANK:10035 SWIFT CODE:CM21-BGFICMCX Vous aimez cette page ? Partagez-la !
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