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Orientés en sixième

Le 15/08/2014 à 18h03, demande d'aide de sultanci
Je souhaite obtenir la liste des orientés en sixième 2014 en cote d'ivoire
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Le 25/02/2015 à 08h52
That irks me, especially since I live in suorhetn CA and hence have the Central Valley right to the north of me, where you can practically grow a set of silverware by planting a fork.It makes it easier for me to eat locally since I just shop at the farmer's market near my apartment, and they all drive down from the Valley, but seeing grapes from Chile in the supermarket when I live with in driving distance of one of the world's great breadbaskets makes zero sense. So I couldn't get strawberries in February otherwise. Do we really need them? What's wrong with seasonal food, fer chrissakes?
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