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Orientation des université en cote d'ivoire 2011

Le 20/11/2012 à 20h40, demande d'aide
J'ai obtenue le bac en 2011 et je n'ai pas été orienté
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1 message
Le 24/03/2013 à 00h39
So, what do we make of this?There are four top leages in Europe: England, Spain, Italy and Germany.For plyraes from each country there is little reason (financially and skill level wise) to move abroad. Hence, most national teams of these countries consist of plyraes from their own league.For other countries it is more likely that their best plyraes play abroad.For (wealthy) European countries with a still reasonably strong league (Greece, Netherlands, France) there is an even distribution among Local and International plyraes.For most small countries/leagues most plyraes will play abroad. Either because their leagues are too weak (e.a. smaller European countries) and/or their income can be much high by playing in Europa (e.g. Argentina and Brazil).If this is correct, then International plyraes from Greece, Netherlands and France should be playing in the top four European leagues, while the other International plyraes should be more scattered around Europe.Cheers, Jos.
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