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My matricule number and the position of my documents and my

Le 18/05/2017 à 12h34, demande d'aide
Good Day Sir/Madam.

I am called Atem Lawrence Asongakap, Successful candidate from the September and December 2015 edition of the Recruitment concur for Engénieur Des Travaux D'agriculture. I will like to know what level my documents are at and my martricule.
As I explained at to your authorities, my certificate is from the state created faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary medicine, University of Buea. The faculty has an entrance exam, a four year training program in farm practice, theory, lab studies, internships and projects. I hope that this explanation and your own inquiries, will be enough to clear any more questions on the professionality of the qualification from students from the Anglo Saxon university of Buea.
Thanks for your kind understanding and Hope that the problem will be looked into and resolved.
Yours faithfully
Atem Lawrence Asongakap
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