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La liste des admis au bacc D session 2013

Le 27/08/2013 à 14h10, demande d'aide
Je voudrais avoir la liste complete des du bacc serie D session 2013 sous centre lycée bilingue de deido silvouplait
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1 message
Le 25/02/2015 à 00h47
ValueMCAT PrepLinkage with Med SchoolsSupport I have tried to remain soutirppve but not pushy to my child which is definitely a fine line! Once I couldn't talk him out of med school I became 100% soutirppve and have told him that as long as this is his dream, I will be there to help him anytime he asks. The most important thing is that while a parent can encourage and even help in finding resources that can help, only the student can follow thru and make things happen.Was this review helpful to you?
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