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Liste d'admission au bepc 2012et 2013

Le 05/08/2014 à 02h03, demande d'aide de loldr
La liste des admis au bepec 2013 et 2012 de l'école voltaire de pointe noire
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1 message
Le 24/02/2015 à 20h56
I an a literature fan, an aristt. Lover of colors and makeup, and fascinated by scents. Perfume talk engages my mind, because each word you come up with, to describe a particular scent, the brain goes on a bit of an adventure in conjuring up the actual reality. It's like hunting rabbits in the woods to play with and cuddle, only that these take place in a wonderland. Does the search for a perfect scent ends? Not for me, a little tweak there, a heavier note of vanilla or honey here, and it becomes disparately different. It is overwhelming to struggle to find words to describe that perfume , yet you do it like a fairy touch. It's amazing. I hardly fancy citrusy smells, but the description is sometimes, more enchanting than what our olefactory senses inform us. I love warm sweet perfume, and I like to hear it from you. I wonder if one day, I might find that one scent, with which I'm completely satisfied and content with. It's funny how I seem to have an expectation for a scent,but I don't know if it is out there. Perhaps.
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