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Liste admis au Bac cameroun 2013

Le 16/07/2013 à 14h13, demande d'aide de SAFINA
Svp je souhaiterais avoir la liste des candidats admis au baccalauréat camerounais série D
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2 messages
Le 05/09/2013 à 19h15
J'aimerais avoir la liste des candidats libres admis au Bac 2013 série D
Le 24/02/2015 à 11h23
Hey Marti,I love the color palette in your photo and being a color nut I pbarobly would have ramped up the saturation a bit if it were mine. The textures are great also with the rows of thorns in the foreground blending into the soft ring of blooms and finishing with that wonderful soft focus background. I really like the way the background color is repeated in the edges of the thorns. Well done!I'm glad you took some time off to recharge for the new year and are ready to face what ever 2009 brings. I'm optomistic that things will get better with such an intelligent and positive leader come January 20th. So Happy New Year and best wishes for your continued success at TME!!Murry
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