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Les orientations des bacheliers 2012

Le 10/10/2012 à 13h44, demande d'aide
J aimerais savoir si les orientations des bacheliers 2012 sont disponibles
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1 message
Le 23/02/2015 à 18h51
Anybody of any skill level can volunteer, we offer a oieintatron Saturdays at 2pm, which will get you started and give you a background on US, the Mother Ship, and what you can learn.Once you have gone through the oieintatron, you can come in any time we are open and work for whatever duration you have time to help. We always have stuff to do, and even if you are not looking for technical tasks, we have projects from building our new space, to Marketing and promotion, as well as many other areas of the organization.All it takes is for you to show up to get started.
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