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La conference international ACPD

Le 19/09/2013 à 14h17, demande d'aide
A Monsieur le directeur de ACPD. J'ai l'honneur de solliciter de votre haute bienveillance ma participation à la douzième édition de l'action canadienne pour la population et le dévelloppement (ACPD), organisée au canada pour l'édition 2013, les thermes que vous avez retenus pour cette édition sont d'actualité et tous pertinents , cela a suscité toutes mon attention et je suis vraiment interessée ....Veillez agréer MONSIEUR le directeur l'expression de mon profond respect Mr Nanitélamio prince
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3 messages
Le 19/09/2013 à 14h30
Monsieur, j'ai l'honneur de solliciter de votre haute bienveillance ma participation à la douzième édition de l'action canadienne pour la population et le développement ; organisée au canada pour l'édition 2013, cela a suscité toutes mon attention et je suis vraiment interessée pour les thermes que vous avez retenus cette année.........veillez agréer Monsieur le directeur l'expression de mon profond respect...........Mr NANITELAMIO PRINCE
Le 08/01/2016 à 18h07
Dear Sir

My name is Miss Sadia Rose independant consultant . I've been
mandated by a wealthy businman who has hugh amount of money to give
it out as a loan as whoever may need it with concrete project . This
will be on PPP partnership .If eventually your loan application have
been unfortunately declined or rejected by banks for differents
reasons, You are a private, honest with good behaviour. You have an
income that can help you with your monthly revenue ( salary ), no more
worries, we are a private firm with a capital about 22.5 million USD
that have been entrusted to us by a wealthy businessman for mortgage
and finance that we would like to put at the service of whoever may be
in need of loan ,refundable in a maximum period of 20 years at a rate
ranging from 4.25 to 5% annually depending on the amount required and
the reimbursement period. For your information we only deal with giant
projects who seek loan There will the need of some administrative
documents to be secured, so try your luck in contacting us by email in
order to furnish you with more details.
We looking forward to serving you better
Yours Sincerely

Le 08/01/2016 à 18h08
Dear Sir

My name is Miss Sadia Rose independant consultant . I've been
mandated by a wealthy businman who has hugh amount of money to give
it out as a loan as whoever may need it with concrete project . This
will be on PPP partnership .If eventually your loan application have
been unfortunately declined or rejected by banks for differents
reasons, You are a private, honest with good behaviour. You have an
income that can help you with your monthly revenue ( salary ), no more
worries, we are a private firm with a capital about 22.5 million USD
that have been entrusted to us by a wealthy businessman for mortgage
and finance that we would like to put at the service of whoever may be
in need of loan ,refundable in a maximum period of 20 years at a rate
ranging from 4.25 to 5% annually depending on the amount required and
the reimbursement period. For your information we only deal with giant
projects who seek loan There will the need of some administrative
documents to be secured, so try your luck in contacting us by email in
order to furnish you with more details.
We looking forward to serving you better
Yours Sincerely

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