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Formulaire p11 PNUD BURUNDI en français

Le 15/06/2016 à 13h12, demande d'aide
Formulaire p11 PNUD BURUNDI en français
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1 message
Le 28/10/2018 à 03h20
Hi !!!

Our goal is to offer loans to improve the living environment - The implementation of projects:

* Loan Debt * Loan Real Estate Finance * Investment Loan * Auto Loan * Consolidation * Line of Credit * Second Mortgage * Loan Redemption * Personal Loan, Furniture, Travel, etc ... No Evidence Necessary to Support Having a View nobody in difficult conditions conditions. This pluralistic and international vision of investment has led me to a new type of investment that is ready.

Indeed, we offer our services to honest people who need financial support to either create lucrative activities or to secure a better future with an interest rate of about 2% to 3% depending on the amount requested.

We would like to point out that we are ready to grant you a loan between 1000 and more than 500.000 € euro that we have prepared this capital of about 2.55 million €. So, make loans while turning this capital, also help us to increase our dividends. In short, it is a little proof of the many loans we make. We would not in any way violate the law on usury.

We do not lend to any honest and serious person can of course our repayment in a reasonable time, so if you do not have the favor of banks or better you have a project and need financing, bad credit or need money to pay Invoices, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss in order to agree on a possible agreement if you are in need.

Anyone interested in our service please send us the following email to be in procedures: '' ''
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