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Le 20/11/2015 à 10h21, demande d'aide de hhs
Bonjour M/ Mme nous sommes basées dans le domaine de coco. en effet, je recherche des partenaires commerciaux pour la vente de nos noix de coco dans tout le monde. 0022509712717
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2 messages
Le 12/05/2017 à 00h22
Dearest, contact from italy, I am a fashion business, but we are opening tropical fruit in italy, at present we can only buy small quantities, maybe small but very frequent orders, then after we buy big quantities. We are interested in these things
1) Choice of pomegranate, diameter 90 mm ,,, in boxes of 25 kg and 10 kg, at present we can buy a maximum quantity of 1 tons, please price including transport to naples.
2) We are also interested in 500 kg of dragon fruit, and 10 kg of casseroles and 20 kg including transport
3) We are also interested in 500 kg of coconut young, cut diamond, in carton of 10 kg and 20 kg, price including shipping.
4) Each box must have our logo on each of our logo stickers
5) we pay only via paypal, or bank transfer, by credit card, to fake European companies managed by nigerians and camerum, who make scams, we only deal with serious companies, we are starting now, the amount is small but after we Grow and we will do so much,
Le 29/01/2018 à 21h20 par mades 10
Salut je travail pour une entreprise italienne qui exporte des noix de coco dans tout le reste du monde.Voila mon numero 59195162 si tu es disponible a travailler avec nous .
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