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Le 03/11/2012 à 14h25, demande d'aide
Bonjour a tous et a suis camerounais titulaire du diplôme d'état d'infirmiers au chômage.j'ai besoins d'une bourse d'étude gratuite pour l’Australie car issu d'une famille démunie,je n’ai pas la possibilité de continuer mes études.aider moi s'il vous plait.
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2 messages
Le 31/01/2013 à 10h52 par kadi87
Bonjour je suis jeune nigerienne je souhaite avoir une bourse d'etude gratuit au canada ou usa en communication marketing pour etre docteur en communication.
Le 23/03/2013 à 19h19
Thanks for the comments about Global Warming. It is ipmrotant because decisions will be made based upon these predictions.The people that initially showed me this video can best be described as: "I will give up my automobile when they pry my cold dead foot off the accelerator". Because of that, I initially viewed the video with some skepticism. I now hink it has a lot to say. While the sunspot cycle may or may not be the cause of global warming, I cannot buy into the CO2 as the main cause. The main reason I disagree it the "rebuttal". There is a heck of a difference in physical systems between a positive and a negative feedback system. The 800 year lag of CO2 after the temperature increases in the past indicates C02 has not been a "leading indicator". Furthermore, if CO2 is the main greenhouse gas and it did cause more warming, the system would have "locked up" unless there is some other process that caused cooling.
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