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Le 10/01/2013 à 20h12, demande d'aide
VEUILLEZ M'ENVOYER LES EPREUVES DE BEPC BENIN 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 ,2010, 2011 ET 2012
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9 messages
Le 25/02/2013 à 09h42
Bonjour, VEUILLEZ M'ENVOYER LES EPREUVES DE BEPC BENIN 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 ,2010, 2011 ET 2012
Le 23/03/2013 à 09h48
The video is pretty clear; there are all sorts of stpiud things going on here. The two outside the vehicle are lucky that someone inside it didn't produce a handgun and shoot them in the face, or better yet just run them over.Physically interfering with a cop trying to make an arrest is stpiud. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong you're starting a fight that you had best make sure you're going to win. They will use some sort of weapon on you, you will get injured, and you're going to get charged while they get a pat on the back.OC'ing someone and then turning your back on them and walking away is not going to help you justify doing it later. It's also not very responsible when that person was in the middle of a brawl, and you may not know who else was involved. You don't simply blind someone, incapacitate them, and then leave them to their own devices. Anyone could have stepped out of the crowd and broken a bottle on her face, or she could have wandered into traffic. And when the officer went to grab her, of course she started flapping she's blind.It's hard to really understand unless you've been sprayed.
Le 22/04/2013 à 17h05 par alexco
Vous voudrez bien me fournir les épreuves de bepc béninois de 2006 à 2012 dans toutes les matières et leurs corrigés types.
Le 01/06/2013 à 16h31
Bonjour je suis un orphelin de pere et de mere j'aurais besoin de votre aide sur l'envoie de l'epreuve {svt}Benin 2013.
Le 23/11/2013 à 21h07
Bonjour, je vous prie de bien vouloir m'envoyer les épreuves de bepc 2006à2013
Le 15/03/2014 à 18h04 par hervkos
Veuillez bien m'envoyer les épreuves du bepc beninois des année 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 et 2012 des matières suivantes: anglais, communication écrite, lecture, svt, spct, hist-géo et maths et leur corrigé-type. merci d'avance
Le 21/04/2018 à 21h16
Bonsoir , je voudrais avoir l'épreuve de mathématiques au bepc 2006. Merci bien
Le 02/06/2018 à 16h49
Bonjour, VEUILLEZ M'ENVOYER LES EPREUVES DE BEPC BENIN 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 ,2010, 2011 ET 2012
Le 03/01/2019 à 09h20
Bonjour,je vous prie de m’envoyer le BEPC 2012 s’il vous plaît, merci.
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