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Demande de liste des admis au baccalaureat 2013

Le 14/08/2013 à 21h17, demande d'aide
Je veut avoir la liste des admis au baccalaureat 2013 de Congo Brazzaville:
Mon Identité:
Nom: Mampouya
Prénom: Rita ...
Serie: A
Lycée: Nganga Edouard
Code: A4 MX 130-204
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1 message
Le 25/02/2015 à 03h20
Hello Moos,it seems you have aheard my spicael prayer for more Franco i. e. congo-rumba.what i know about this wonderful Rochereau-LP is, that Dr. Nico split in mid 1966 and founded his African Fiesta Sukisa.From there on there was a lot of trouble around the old African Fiesta (now African Fiesta National)that ended on new year s eve 1967, when AFN was too late performing on Mobutu s gala. They were suspended from all activities for a long long 3 months. So nearly all important members including Mangwana left the group to found `Festival Des Maquisards. Hard Competition!!! So Rochereau founded a new group around some old members.I guess on this LP the lead-guitarist is `Pierre Mbumba who came from `African Kings and the devil shall kill me, if that is not the young `Lokassa Ya Mbongo who plays like the fantastic `Dechaud using the mi-guitar just like him, producing that fantastic flowing sound like the Congo-river!!!I hope i could help you, like you help me every new day!thanks Martin
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