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Demand of buyers market of cashew nuts

Le 02/02/2014 à 11h29, demande d'aide de bamsA47
Ouattara Yacouba O.Yac private entreprise Box 548 bkou.CI phone number 22508126760 / 22505485281 Dear buyers market Mister Ouattara yacouba naming O.Yac is a buyer of caskew nuts in the nor'_east Côte d'Ivoire, precisely in the area of Bondoukou and Bouna. It's in this part of CI,you can get the best quality of cashew nuts with outrne 47-48-49-50. O.Yac needs a buyer market to work with hin. The carring capacity is about ten thousand tons (10.000T). The private enterprise O.Yac would be very pleased to meet a serious partner to sign a con.tract.
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