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Le 01/12/2014 à 00h58, demande d'aide
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2 messages
Le 01/12/2014 à 08h40 par bracou18
Salut,je m appelle anto,je serais tres content de correspondr avec le monde entier,je sui un jeune d 18ans,africain, suis footballeur et je serais tres content de trouver des amis qui aiment suis tres simple,j aime toute personne car elle est enfant de notre pere.merci k DIEU VS BENISSE! vs aime!
Le 24/02/2015 à 17h54
I understand Atos are coeantctrd to find people fit by dint of their being a bonus for every person they find fit for work, regardless of whether they go to appeal and have that fitness overturned. the question should be, what is fit for work? for instance a blind person might be able to use a computer with relitive ease, but the software they use is not going to read everything on the screen, hense the need for help from access to work, which can take months to precure, if the blind person isn't shown the door at the beginning of the interview. i use a screen reader, but it only works well with popular applications, not with those found in office environments. can i hold a pen? yes, can i use it? no, for i can't see to use it. can i pick up a 1 coin? yes, but where is that coin? can you move around familiar surroundings? yes, they are familiar. how about the unfamiliar surroundings? how about the social side of work that blind people find so difficlt, not to mension the problems the sighted population have with relating to blind people. the way the laydy in this article was treated was unacceptable, but is part of the, get them back to work at all costs, line of thinking that this government subscribes to. the test is very manual in nature, and does not take into account sensory disabilities or mental health issues, let alone other disabilities such as cologen disorders etc. again, a system which thinks if you are physically able to do something, you can do it, and the rest? well, they don't matter.
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