It's time to STAND UP for Singapore!! Let this "small red dot" come United As One, and show the countries which dempud the toxic stuff to this region that we will not be easily Defeated.There are many restrictions imposed at the Speakers Corner, eg use of handheld speakers.We can explore other venues, such as CHURCHES, where there are proper facilities to address the large group.Mr Tan has stood up for us, and many others have contributed their expertise, views through the blogs, behind the scenes etc. It's time for EACH OF US to see what we can do, e.g. talk to the church pastors and explore use of church premise etc.At tomorrow's Speakers Corner, let EACH OF US look out for those needy, and bring them to the right group (by bank or by product), and make sure they are Registered with at least 1 group.
Le 04/07/2013 à 15h56
Je suis à Abidjan je souhaiterais avoir un code postal pour valider une offre
Le 21/11/2013 à 13h59 par yero15
Je suis à Abidjan je souhaiterais avoir un code postal pour valider une offre
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