I began using this app several weeks ago at the recnimeodatmon of several friends who had nothing but positive things to say about the program. I can see why they, and so many other people, like this program! After less than a month, I am already noticing results. The program is incredibly intuitive to use. Registration is very easy, and can be done through the program itself (without being re-directed through the phone's browser). Once registered, you can also access your calorie/exercise log through the company's website. This is far more convenient than relying on a traditional food diary. The program calculates your caloric need based on your height, weight, gender, lifestyle (active, sedentary, etc), and weight loss goals. This really customizes the program to help you achieve your individual goals, as opposed to going off of some generic information on caloric intake you find elsewhere. MyFitnessPal's integration of the phone's camera as a barcode scanner really makes calorie-counting no excuse! If of course you can't find an item through the barcode scanner, you can select from their extensive food/beverage databse. If you stick to the caloric guidelines, there is no reason why you can't lose weight with this program!
Le 09/10/2014 à 18h02 par achilco'o
La bourse de l'embassade de France SCAC 2015-2016 est-elle lancée? merci de répondre
Le 31/10/2015 à 17h30
Bjr je suis titulaire d un bachelor en ingenierie de la fondation 2ie et je suis de nationalité ivoirienne. J aimerai avoir des informations par rapport aux differentes possibilités de bourses pour m inscrire en master.
Y a t il aussi des bourses scac pour les ivoiriens ?
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