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Besoin d'un coup de pouce ?
C'est GRATUIT ! > Education > Bourse d'étude

Besoin d aude financier pr mon association

Le 16/01/2013 à 13h01, demande d'aide
Bonjour mopi c est traore karidja g suis a la recherche de partenaires ouvant m aider a lutter contre la pauvreté dans mon nous sommes uns jeune association residant en cote d ivoire et nous fesons partis des pays les plus pauvres du monde a cause de la guerre je repond a cette adresse
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2 messages
Le 23/02/2018 à 23h23 par EL Mario
Salut Tres Chere Maman! Je Suis Vraiment Navre De Votre Situation De Sante Et Ensemble Prions Pour Que Tu Aies La Sante,jaimerai Bien Vous Demandez De Maider A Creer L'orphelinat Au Burkina Faso Mon Pays Mais Je Prie Que Tu Sois Retablie Que Dieu Te Benise.mon contact 0022657511158 ET
Le 14/07/2018 à 13h13 par ASBL KAGEMBE-MALINGU
We are the members of the HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION FOR EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OHED in short), an accredited local association working to improve the living conditions of poor rural people affected by armed groups' conflicts, tribalism, poverty, illiteracy and diseases. We are carrying out peace, stability and conflict resolution activities in Shabunda, Fizi, Kabambare, and Uvira territories through launching EDUCATION programs, FORUMS, SESSIONS and other related initiatives and projects.

The main aim of our mail to your office is to REQUEST FOR YOUR
PARTNERSHIP WITH OUR ASSOCIATION in the SOUTH KIVU Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to support education programs for vulnerable children in Uvira, Mboko, Lulenge and Bukavu where conflicts due to armed groups' activism have increased the number of vulnerable children among the local community groups.

You can get further information concerning our activities and/or
projects on the following link:

Please, visit to know more about OHED association.

We look forward to receiving your positive feedback !

Many thanks and regards!


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